Video Games as Art: Visually Stunning Video Games
Almost every gamer knows that video games can be the best medium for story telling, even better than movies or books. Video games can suck you into it’s story like a good novel, while still being a visual medium like movies and T.V. What separates games from their elder mediums is the level of control that a user has over their digital world, bending the game’s characters to their will.
It is my firm belief that a major contributor to a game’s success is how the game artists depict the world within their game. The environment, visual style, and music are all vastly influential and are what skyrocket some games into the realm of pure art.
The Best Apps and Games for the Nexus
Well I wrote a previous list about the best Apps and Games for the Xoom and Android Honeycomb Tablets, but that was a long time ago and was my first introduction to the amazing Google Android platform. It was my Xoom that made me fall in love with Android and last week I upgraded from my old Blackberry Torch, to a new Google Nexus running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
I must say that I couldn’t be happier and have decided to compile this list of the best apps and games available for Ice Cream Sandwich that I am using myself on my Nexus.
The Best Apps and Games for the Xoom
Well I’ve had my new Xoom for two weeks now and damn do I love it! Since i’ve had my Android Honycomb powered Xoom, I’ve been obsessed with finding the best apps and games for the Xoom. You can find all of these apps by searching for them in the Android Marketplace.
The Best BlackBerry Torch Apps and Games
So I’ve had my BlackBerry Torch for a few months now and absolutely love it. I’ve been searching for lists of the best BlackBerry Torch Apps, and disagree with a lot of them. Here is my personal list of the best and most useful apps out there. Almost all of these are FREE.
Morality In Video Games
Video games have a certain unfair stigma about them, especially when it comes to video game morality. Video games teach us how to be violent and desensitizes us from the real world – or so some claim.
The True Message of Majora’s Mask
This is an amazing in depth look into Marjora’s Mask and it’s brilliant use of symbolism.