How To Beat The Demon in It Follows
It has been a long time since I’ve seen the unconventional horror film It Follows (2014), but I still find myself reflecting and thinking about how I would survive the entity/demon/ghost/std.
The following are some of my thoughts on what I would do to survive the horror of it.
Why I Hate Jurassic World
Currently, Jurassic World is sitting on $1,545,405,234 worldwide – so it’s doing something right – but I hated it. Most people I’ve talked to seemed to have enjoyed the film even with what I perceive to be glaring issues, and that’s OK. But as a huge fan of the original, I was definitely left wanting.
Note: There will be spoilers in this article.
The Best Christmas Movies
Well, it’s that time of the year when there’s nothing sadder than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. The time of year where the family gets together on a cold winters night to swap elegantly wrapped presents underneath the Christmas Tree. A time when all you ever want to do is watch the best Christmas movies in bed or on the couch next to a warm Christmas fire.
The True Message of Majora’s Mask
This is an amazing in depth look into Marjora’s Mask and it’s brilliant use of symbolism.